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About the Creator

Claire Sudbury

Hello! My name is Claire and I am a twenty-one year old from Salt Lake City, Utah. My passions (besides silversmithing, of course) include Hiking, skiing, golfing, coffee drinking, and being anywhere with my dogs, family, and good friends. 
I was diagnosed with POTS at the age of thirteen, and was unable to  function until my sophomore year. I haven't really been able to play sports since due to chronic stomach pain and other POTS related symptoms. Because of this, I got into jewelry making, and have fallen in love with the unique process and creative outlet.  From designing each element, to soldering it, to finishing it up and sending the final product to its new home, I am yet to have a "bad day" at work ;). 
Currently, I am attending a community college majoring in marketing in hopes to grow my business into everything I have dreamed for it to be some day.


Thank you for trusting me enough to make you the perfect piece. I truly wouldn't be here without your support!


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